Looking Forward: Celebrating LA's Water Future
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 6:00pm - 9:00pm
700 Exposition Park, Los Angeles
The Council for Watershed Health thanks you for supporting our Fall Fundraiser - Looking Forward: Celebrating LA's Water Future. It was a beautiful evening celebrating a year of collaboration, impact and the accomplishments of our honorees. Your contribution and partnership made this evening possible. Let's meet the challenge together and continue to engage an even broader community of those who share our vision for a truly resilient water future.
Dorothy Green Award Recipient
The Honorable Mel Levine
President, City of Los Angeles, Board of Water and Power Commissioners
Next Generation Water Leaders
Thomas Wong
President, Board of Directors, San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
David Diaz Avelar
Social Innovation Director, Day One
Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust